Re: Optimization application order

Henry Thomas <>
24 Jan 92 10:06:10 GMT

          From comp.compilers

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Newsgroups: comp.compilers
From: Henry Thomas <>
Keywords: optimize, bibliography
Organization: INRIA (fr), TU DELFT (nl)
References: 92-01-082
Date: 24 Jan 92 10:06:10 GMT (Bruce Watson) writes:
> Some time ago I read a paper (in POPL or PLDI or something similar) which
> analyzed the dependancies between various optimizing tranformations.

The article you refer to is, I think, the following one:

    author = "Debbie Whitfield and Mary Lou Soffa",
    title = "An Approach to Ordering Optimizing Transformations",
    booktitle = "$2^{nd}$ ACM Symposium on Principles and Practice of
                                  Parallel Programming",
    year = "1990",
    pages = "137--147",
    organization = "ACM",
    month = "March 14--16",
IMHO, it is a very interesting article.

H. Thomas
-- Henry Thomas e-mail:
T.U. Delft, Technische Natuurkunde, Lorentzweg 1, 2628 CJ Delft
Netherlands, tel: +(31)++(15)-782419, fax +(31)++(15)-626740

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