Re: b.out info wanted

maslen@gday.Eng.Sun.COM (Thomas Maslen)
Thu, 23 Jan 92 09:35:26 PST

          From comp.compilers

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b.out info wanted (1992-01-22)
Re: b.out info wanted (1992-01-22)
Re: b.out info wanted maslen@gday.Eng.Sun.COM (1992-01-23)
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Newsgroups: comp.compilers
From: maslen@gday.Eng.Sun.COM (Thomas Maslen)
Keywords: linker
Organization: Compilers Central
References: 92-01-077
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 92 09:35:26 PST

My guess is that there are umpteen funny little formats all called b.out,
in the same way that there are a gaggle of 'make' derivatives called 'build'.

I've seen the followup message about a b.out for i960 processors, whereas
the b.out that I used to have dealings with was defined at MIT (I think)
for an early 68000 C compiler, and was very close to (VAX) a.out but just
a little annoyingly different.

Thomas Maslen

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