Example in the Unix Programming Environment by Kernighan & Pike

mickm@whirlwind.sps.mot.com (Michael R. Murphy)
Wed, 15 Jan 92 11:05:08 CST

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Example in the Unix Programming Environment by Kernighan & Pike mickm@whirlwind.sps.mot.com (1992-01-15)
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Newsgroups: comp.compilers
From: mickm@whirlwind.sps.mot.com (Michael R. Murphy)
Keywords: yacc, question, books
Organization: Compilers Central
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 92 11:05:08 CST

I am working through the example in the Unix Programming Environment. I
have just implemented the final stage (stage 6) of the grammar, and I now
have 16 shift/reduce conflicts reported by yacc. I have looked at
y.output and the complaints seem reasonable, as does the choice to shift.
My question is has anyone else implemented this (of course other's have),
and does anyone know how many shift/reduce conflicts should be reported
when using the grammar in the book.

I have checked my output line by line, and I think I have exactly what's
in the book. I am just a bit surprised to have 16 shift/reduce conflicts.
I'm afraid that I have made a typographical error.


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