Need printf source for an i860 (Bob Zigon)
Wed, 15 Jan 92 14:45:49 GMT

          From comp.compilers

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Need printf source for an i860 (1992-01-15)
Re: Need printf source for an i860 (1992-01-17)
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Newsgroups: comp.compilers,,comp.lang.c
From: (Bob Zigon)
Summary: Need source to printf that works on an i860
Keywords: C, library
Organization: Truevision Inc., Indianapolis, IN
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 92 14:45:49 GMT


        I am bringing up a small kernel on 6 860's. I am using the Portland
group C Compiler. It is a very good compiler but has no i/o. I need the
source to printf,sprintf, etc .. that someone knows will work on an i860
so that I can debug the floating point stuff.

bob zigon
reply to :
[There might be stuff in the free parts BSD available on uunet. -John]

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