Re: Lookahead vs. Scanner Feedback, etc., enough already

megatest! (Dave Jones)
13 Jan 92 22:24:24 GMT

          From comp.compilers

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Lookahead vs. Scanner Feedback (1992-01-03)
Re: Lookahead vs. Scanner Feedback, etc., enough already megatest! (1992-01-13)
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Newsgroups: comp.compilers
From: megatest! (Dave Jones)
Keywords: C, parse
Organization: Megatest Corporation, San Jose, Ca
References: 92-01-012
Date: 13 Jan 92 22:24:24 GMT

It looks like we could use a FAQ file on the subject of typedef
identifiers in C parsers. Folks are coming to the discussion late, and
starting the discussion over from square one. One well-meaning fellow
recently said that having the lexer look at the symbol-table violates
"engineering principles" and thus should not be done. He has obviously
never tried to implement the C grammar with a standard one-token-lookahead
parser generator, or he would know that it is not quite that simple.

So how about a FAQ? Volunteers anyone?
[If someone wants to write the definitive treatise on this topic, I'd be
happy to add it to the archives. Otherwise I'm declaring this topic closed.

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