Summary: A fast way to match regexp's and extract parts of them (roberto bagnara)
14 Jan 92 08:23:00 GMT

          From comp.compilers

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Summary: A fast way to match regexp's and extract parts of them (1992-01-14)
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Newsgroups: comp.compilers
From: (roberto bagnara)
Keywords: DFA, lex
Organization: CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
Date: 14 Jan 92 08:23:00 GMT

Hi all,

as requested I post a summary of answer received.

                To tell the truth it's not a summary, but a pointer:
Prof. Ikuo Nakata ( has sent to me a wonderful
paper titled "Regular Expressions with Semantic Rules and Their Application
to Data Structure Directed Programs" written by Ikuo Nakata and Masataka
It's very well written and it addresses (and solves) the problem in
all its aspects. No more to add.

P.S. Sorry for the big delay, I've had a lot of troubles.

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