Burg parser generator available

cwf@research.att.com (Christopher W. Fraser)
Tue, 7 Jan 92 18:00 EST

          From comp.compilers

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Burg parser generator available cwf@research.att.com (1992-01-15)
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Newsgroups: comp.compilers
From: cwf@research.att.com (Christopher W. Fraser)
Keywords: FTP, available, parse
Organization: Compilers Central
Date: Tue, 7 Jan 92 18:00 EST

We write to announce the availability of Burg, a program that generates
a fast tree parser using BURS (Bottom-Up Rewrite System) technology.
It accepts a cost-augmented tree grammar and emits a C program that
discovers in linear time an optimal parse of trees in the language
described by the grammar. Burg has been used to construct fast optimal
instruction selectors for use in code generation. Burg addresses many
of the problems addressed by Twig, but it is somewhat less flexible and
much faster. Burg and its documentation are available via anonymous
ftp from kaese.cs.wisc.edu. The compressed shar file pub/burg.shar.Z
holds the complete distribution.

Christopher W. Fraser, AT&T Bell Laboratories, cwf@research.att.com
Robert R. Henry, Tera Computer, rrh@tera.com
Todd A. Proebsting, University of Wisconsin, todd@cs.wisc.edu

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