Looking for machine readable compiler writing materials?

terry@unx3.ucc.okstate.edu (Terry Klarich)
Thu, 2 Jan 1992 22:50:05 GMT

          From comp.compilers

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Looking for machine readable compiler writing materials? terry@unx3.ucc.okstate.edu (1992-01-02)
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Newsgroups: comp.compilers
From: terry@unx3.ucc.okstate.edu (Terry Klarich)
Keywords: books, question
Organization: Oklahoma State University Computer Center
Date: Thu, 2 Jan 1992 22:50:05 GMT

I am interested in hearing from anyone who knows of any compiler writting
books which are machine readable. I am visually impared; and, getting
books in a usable format is a big job. I am specifically interested in
the relationship of intermediate code with the parser, optimizer and final
code generator. However, any compiler books would be helpful. It would
be greate if I could get the dragon book on cdrom or tape.

[It was typeset in troff, but I have no idea whether it's possible to get
access to the bits. -John]

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