Re: How do debuggers work? (David A. Hasan)
4 Dec 91 14:24:46 GMT

          From comp.compilers

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Newsgroups: comp.compilers
From: (David A. Hasan)
Posted-Date: 4 Dec 91 14:24:46 GMT
Keywords: debug
Organization: UTexas Center for Space Research
References: 91-12-003
Date: 4 Dec 91 14:24:46 GMT

In article 91-12-003 "Erwinus Theodorus Leonardus Omtzigt (Theo)" <omtzigt-theo@CS.YALE.EDU> writes:

>you point me in the direction of papers/books that explain how
>debuggers work.

Although it is not a "learned" text, I suggest you take a
glance at the following book:

      Ronald Mak
      Writing Compilers & Interpreters
      Wiley, 1991

This is a mass consumption book and comes with a disk of the
code. The author takes a very applied approach, dispensing
with the theory and concentrating on building software tools
which are central to the process. The tool-building approach
is what sets the book apart. Mak starts with simple scanning
tasks and works up thru various stages of gradually more
complex parsing, compiling, interpreting tasks. A summary
of the tasks taken from the preface is:

      program listing
      token recognition
      program compression
      infix/postfix conversion
      a small calculator
      syntax checker 1
      declarations analyzer
      syntax checker 2&3
      pretty printer
      interpretter with debugger <------------(!)
      runtime libraries

As I said, it's a hands-on book. It jumps immediately to
coding (in C, by the way, although the language being
interpreted/compiled is Pascal).

I think it's worth a look.

  | David A. Hasan

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