Supercomputing Debugging Workshop '91 (Larry Streepy)
Thu, 27 Jun 1991 14:47:49 GMT

          From comp.compilers

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Supercomputing Debugging Workshop '91 (1991-02-13)
Supercomputing Debugging Workshop '91 (1991-06-27)
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Newsgroups: news.announce.conferences,comp.lang.misc,comp.sys.super,comp.compilers,comp.lang.sigplan
From: (Larry Streepy)
Keywords: conference, debug
Organization: CONVEX Computer Corporation, Richardson, Tx., USA
Date: Thu, 27 Jun 1991 14:47:49 GMT

                                              CALL FOR PARTICIPATION

                                Supercomputing Debugging Workshop '91
                                                November 14-16, 1991
                                                        Marriott Hotel
                                              Albuquerque, New Mexico

                Supercomputing Debugging Workshop '91 will be held the week prior
                to Supercomputing '91 and will focus on topics relating to debugger
                construction and usage in the Supercomputer programming environment.
                The workshop will bring together debugger implementors and users to
                discuss topics and experiences of mutual interest, and establish a
                basis for future collaborations.

                Workshop topics of specific interest include:

                * User perspective;

                * Debugger development projects;

                * Functional interface specifications for a distributed debugging

                * Symbol table functional interface;

                * User interface to a debugger including window issues;

                * Parallel debugging (MIMD and SIMD);

                * Debugging optimized code;

                * Debugger performance considerations;

                * Debugger interface to analysis tools

                We invite presenters from both the debugger implementor and user
                communities. Please submit an abstract of your talk to the program
                committee by August 1, 1991. Speakers will be notified of the final
                program by the end of August. Abstracts are required from speakers

                Important dates:

                Abstracts due: August 1, 1991
                Speaker notification: August 31, 1991
                Registration deadline: October 23, 1991
                Workshop begins: November 14, 1991

                Registration and Hotel Information:

                A block of rooms at the Marriott Hotel has been reserved for workshop
                participants. Reservations must be made by October 23, 1991 to get
                the workshop rate of $89. The registration fee for the workshop is
                $150 which includes continental breakfast, refreshments and lunch
                each day.

                For more information and to pre-register, please contact one of
                the following members of the program committee:

                                Jeffrey S. Brown, program chairperson
                                Los Alamos National Laboratory
                                Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545
                                (505) 665-4655

                                Denise Dalmas, local arrangements
                                Los Alamos National Laboratory
                                Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545
                                (505) 667-7877

                                Peter Rigsbee
                                Cray Research

                                Ben Young
                                Cray Computer

                                Larry Streepy
                                Convex Computer Corp.
(214) 497-4411 (voice)
(214) 497-4500 (FAX)

                                Rich Title
                                Thinking Machines

                                Bruce Kelly

                                Alan Riddle
Larry Streepy
Manager Software Development Tools Group
Convex Computer Corporation

ARPA: streepy@convex.COM PHONE: +1 214 497 4411
UUCP: uunet!convex!streepy FAX: +1 214 497 4500

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