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Re: YACC, going the other way (1991-05-01) |
Newsgroups: | comp.compilers |
From: | (Gene Ressler) |
Followup-To: | |
Summary: | Deterministic enumeration of CFLs |
Keywords: | yacc, testing, Lisp, theory |
Organization: | Cornell Univ. CS Dept, Ithaca NY 14853 |
References: | <> <72058@microsoft.UUCP> |
Date: | Wed, 1 May 1991 02:21:40 GMT |
In article <> (Edwin Lewis King +1 614 860 3394) writes:
>I'm interesting in generating strings that are described by a BNF (OK,
>YACC) grammar.
Many decidablility results rely on Turing machines enumerating CFLs, so
we'd better be able to do it without random numbers! I know this may not
be what you want for testing, but I think it's interesting anyway.
Following is a rough hack in Common Lisp (runs under Lucid) that keeps a
queue of sentential forms sorted by length, pulling off the shortest one
to expand next. `Expand' means replace each non-terminal A by the rhs of
each A-production in all combinations. If a resulting form has only
non-terminals, print it; otherwise queue it for deeper expansion. If you
have no epsilon productions, this generates strings of strictly
non-decreasing length.
; Enumerate strings generated by a CFL.
; Warning: Rough and probably buggy code.
(in-package 'user)
(let ((look-ahead nil)
(stream t)
(rules (make-hash-table))
(start nil)
(q nil))
(defmacro lex ()
`(setq look-ahead (read stream nil)))
(defun parse (in-stream)
; set up
(clrhash rules)
(setq stream in-stream)
; assume first sym is start sym
(setq start look-ahead)
; done when lex returns nil for eof
(unless look-ahead
; look ahead is lhs. gather rhs.
(let ((prod look-ahead)
(rhs nil))
(unless (eq look-ahead '->)
(error "missing ->"))
; gather up to ! or !! (`or' or end of prod)
(when (member look-ahead '(! !! ->))
(push look-ahead rhs)
; put production in rules hash table indexed by lhs
; (prod) so each entry is a list of rhs's
(push (reverse rhs) (gethash prod rules))
(case look-ahead
(!! (lex) (return))
(! (lex))
(t (error "unexpected ~A" look-ahead)))
; start new rhs for same lhs (prod)
(setq rhs nil))))
; check for undefined symbols
(maphash #'(lambda (prod rhss)
(declare (ignore prod))
(dolist (rhs rhss)
(dolist (x rhs)
(unless (or (stringp x)
(gethash x rules))
(error "~A undefined" rhs)))))
; return start symbol
; don't put any sentential form longer than this on the queue
(defparameter *cutoff-length* 10)
; insert form in queue sorted ascending by length
(defun enq (s-form)
(when (< (list-length s-form) *cutoff-length*)
(setq q (merge 'list
(list s-form) q
#'(lambda (x y)
(< (list-length x)
(list-length y)))))))
; get shortest sentential form from queue
(defmacro qpop () `(pop q))
; expand rhs every way that is possible by
; expanding each non-terminal exactly once.
; accumulate result in `sofar'. when rhs
; is gone, look at `sofar' to see if it's all
; terminals (strings). if so, print it; if not,
; queue it for deeper expansion.
(defun expand (rhs sofar)
((null rhs)
(if (every #'stringp sofar)
(format t "~&~A"
(reduce #'(lambda (x y)
(concatenate 'string x y))
(reverse sofar)))
(enq (reverse sofar))))
((stringp (car rhs))
(expand (cdr rhs) (cons (car rhs) sofar)))
(t (dolist (rrhs (gethash (car rhs) rules))
(expand (cdr rhs) (revappend rrhs sofar))))))
; expand start symbol, iterate (expand)
; until the queue is empty.
(defun enum (start)
(setq q nil)
(dolist (rhs (gethash start rules))
(expand rhs nil))
(let ((rhs (qpop)))
(unless rhs (return))
(expand rhs nil))))
) ; end (let (look-ahead ...
; tester assumes a grammar is in file "grammar"
(defun test ()
(with-open-file (grammar "grammar" :direction :input)
(enum (parse grammar))))
; a sample grammar.
; if you need epsilon, just say "".
S -> expr
expr -> term
! expr "+" term
term -> factor
! term "*" factor
factor -> "1"
! "a"
! "(" expr ")"
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