Kafka (was Re: YACC, going the other way)

jeffj@mcs213k.cs.umr.edu (Jeff Jenness)
Tue, 30 Apr 91 02:11:10 GMT

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Kafka (was Re: YACC, going the other way) jeffj@mcs213k.cs.umr.edu (1991-04-30)
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Newsgroups: comp.compilers
From: jeffj@mcs213k.cs.umr.edu (Jeff Jenness)
Followup-To: comp.compilers
Summary: Where is kafka?
Keywords: parse, testing, question
Organization: University of Missouri - Rolla
References: <1991Apr23.140427.5416@iecc.cambridge.ma.us> <1289@theseas.ntua.gr>
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 91 02:11:10 GMT

In article <1289@theseas.ntua.gr> zvr@ntua.gr (Alexios Zavras) writes:
> Check out kafka, a tool that does exactly what you want !
>The source was posted on the net (altough many years ago),
>so it must be archived somewhere.
> It is the base on which the games insult, babble and flame are
>based: each of them is just a grammar specification.

After seeing this post I checked archie, but the only reference was at
kth.se which only carried an archive description of the source without
the source! I also checked the usual comp.sources.* but I am afraid that
the software (dated 1985) predates these sources. Does anyone know of
the location for the kafka package along with babble, insult and flame?
If all the responses are by email I will post a summary of responses.

Jeff Jenness

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