Wirth's Pascal-S compiler

mcguire@cs.tamu.edu (Tim McGuire)
Wed, 24 Apr 91 11:54:29 CDT

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Wirth's Pascal-S compiler mcguire@cs.tamu.edu (1991-04-24)
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From: mcguire@cs.tamu.edu (Tim McGuire)
Keywords: Pascal, question
Organization: Compilers Central
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 91 11:54:29 CDT

I am looking for the source for Wirth's Pascal-S compiler. I'd like to
give it to my compiler design students for them to play with. I have
the hardcopy (from Barron's PASCAL: The Language and Its Implementation)
but, lazy person that I am, I have no desire to type it in. Does anyone
have it available, either by ftp or e-mail? I would prefer the original
version if possible. I hear that R.E. Berry did some modifications and
included them in his book on program translation, but I don't have it
available. Berry's version would be acceptable.

I would appreciate any leads you could give me.


Tim McGuire

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