Fast Interpreted Code (Sunder Singhani)
Wed, 17 Apr 91 16:40:16 EDT

          From comp.compilers

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Fast Interpreted Code (1991-04-17)
Re: Fast Interpreted Code (1991-04-23)
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Newsgroups: comp.compilers
From: (Sunder Singhani)
Keywords: interpreter, threaded code
Organization: Viewlogic Systems, Inc., MA
References: <> <>
Date: Wed, 17 Apr 91 16:40:16 EDT

Recently, there have been a lot of postings on the comparison of
threaded code vs. full compilation performance. We have a system
which uses a threaded code implementation for interpreting this
particular higher level language. The performance is below our
requirements; hence I am looking at different types of IRs (SPC,
RTL, tuples etc.) and VMs to get good interpreted speed. So, I
have the following question -

      Is threaded code the best form of interpreted code representation
      for performance ? If not, what are the other kinds and how do
      they compare with full compilation ? Any references to general
      comparisons between performance of interpreted code and compiled
      code systems are welcome.

Sunder Singhani

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