occam compilers that run on MS-DOS

joey@puffin.Eng.Sun.COM (Marianne Mueller)
Tue, 9 Apr 91 10:41:26 PDT

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occam compilers that run on MS-DOS joey@puffin.Eng.Sun.COM (1991-04-09)
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Newsgroups: comp.compilers
From: joey@puffin.Eng.Sun.COM (Marianne Mueller)
Keywords: occam, question
Organization: Compilers Central
Date: Tue, 9 Apr 91 10:41:26 PDT

Do you know of any occam compilers that run on MS-DOS or on unix?

Thanks, Marianne

415 966 1985: machine

[Last month someone pointed out a fairly old 4BSD occam, and notes on the
Amsterdam Compiler Kit say that it has among other things an occam front end
and an 8086 back end. -John]

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