Borland Turbo C 2.0 for Atari 68000 machines: ODD behavior (Gregory Carter)
Sat, 6 Apr 91 09:10:13 GMT

          From comp.compilers

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Borland Turbo C 2.0 for Atari 68000 machines: ODD behavior (1991-04-06)
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Newsgroups: comp.compilers,comp.lang.c
From: (Gregory Carter)
Summary: 32-24 bit address translation coloring
Keywords: C, code, question
Organization: U of Wisconsin CS Dept
Date: Sat, 6 Apr 91 09:10:13 GMT

I recently had a problem with a compiler for my MEGA STE 4/50. I was
wondering if any of you can report the same problems with Borland's

When I attempt to move 0x03 into the address 0x00ff8e20 I get the

  (unsigned int)(*((unsigned int *)0x00ff8e20L)) = 0x03;
  which translates to:
                                              MOVE.W #$0003, $00ff8e20

  Ok, I expect that, thats no problem....BUT when I do this:

  (unsigned int)(*((unsigned int *)0xffff8e20L)) = 0x03;
  which translates to:
                                              MOVE.W #$0003, $8e20

This is obviously not correct.

I thought about the compiler cutting 8 bits off the top half of the
address since the 68000 doesn't use this space anyway. But, this isn't
what I expected. Anyone know why they (BORLAND) decided to do address
coloring in this fashion?

Its a curiosity right now, but when I was going through my profs unclear,
nonportable, nonfunctional class examples, IT TICKED ME OFF. Made life
generally !pleasant.

Any help greatly appreciated.

Greg Carter
[Looks like a bug to me. -John]

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