Intermetrics vs. Microtec C Cross-Compilers

aurs01!luce@uunet.UU.NET (J. Luce)
3 Apr 91 21:43:48 GMT

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Intermetrics vs. Microtec C Cross-Compilers aurs01!luce@uunet.UU.NET (1991-04-03)
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Newsgroups: comp.compilers
From: aurs01!luce@uunet.UU.NET (J. Luce)
Keywords: C, question
Organization: Alcatel Network Systems, Raleigh NC
Distribution: usa
Date: 3 Apr 91 21:43:48 GMT

I would be very interested in hearing the bouquets and bricks regarding
the above C compilers and their Assemblers. We are on DECStations, so I
don't expect anyone to have experience with that. But in general, how
good is the code that is generated, how buggy are the tools, and best of
all, what is customer support like when a problem arises.

Thanks in advance.

John Luce
Alcatel Network Systems
Raleigh, NC
aurs01!aurw46! or ...!mcnc!aurgate!luce

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