Re: PC Pascal to C converter wanted (Henk Fictorie)
5 Apr 91 22:01:06 GMT

          From comp.compilers

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PC Pascal to C converter wanted (ps-Gruppe) (1991-04-05)
Re: PC Pascal to C converter wanted (1991-04-05)
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Newsgroups: comp.compilers
From: (Henk Fictorie)
Keywords: C, Pascal, translator
Organization: Compilers Central
References: <>
Date: 5 Apr 91 22:01:06 GMT (ps-Gruppe) writes:
>I'm searching for a converter Pascal to C. There is a converter for UNIX,
>which is using flex and yacc. But I'm searching for such an program for a PC.

Try simtel20, they have:

            T2C.ARC Microsoft's Turbo Pascal to C translator 880119
            TPTC17.ARC Turbo Pascal to C translator, 1of4 880829
            TPTC17SC.ARC Turbo Pascal to C - src for translator, 2of4 880829
            TPTC17TC.ARC Turbo Pascal to C - test cases, 3of4 880829
            TPTCINFO.ARC Info on Turbo Pascal to C translator, 4of4 880829

I don't known the quality of these products, I'm just searching the index.
Henk Fictorie, PTT Research Neher Labs,
P.O. box 421, ...!hp4nl!dnlunx!henkf
2260 AK Leidschendam, The Netherlands Phone : +31 70 3326356

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