PC Pascal to C converter wanted

ps-Gruppe <ps3@ph3hp840.physik.uni-stuttgart.de>
Fri, 5 Apr 1991 09:51:00 GMT

          From comp.compilers

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PC Pascal to C converter wanted ps3@ph3hp840.physik.uni-stuttgart.de (ps-Gruppe) (1991-04-05)
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Newsgroups: comp.compilers
From: ps-Gruppe <ps3@ph3hp840.physik.uni-stuttgart.de>
Keywords: C, Pascal, translator
Organization: Physikalisches Inst., U Stuttgart, FRG
Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1991 09:51:00 GMT


I'm searching for a converter Pascal to C. There is a converter for UNIX,
which is using flex and yacc. But I'm searching for such an programm for a

      Thomas Stuempfig

Thomas Stuempfig | stuempfig@physik.uni-stuttgart.de
Pikosekunden-Labor | ps3@ph3hp840.physik.uni-stuttgart.de
3. Physikalisches Institut |================================================
Uni Stuttgart | ocac@ds0rus1i.bitnet
[Flex and Bison work perfectly well on PCs. I'd expect that it'd be easy
to port P2C. -John]

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