Parsing Techniques Book (Ben Pratt)
Mon, 1 Apr 91 14:56:52 -0700

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Parsing Techniques Book (1991-04-01)
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Newsgroups: comp.compilers
From: (Ben Pratt)
Keywords: parse, books, question
Organization: Compilers Central
Date: Mon, 1 Apr 91 14:56:52 -0700

Not _too_ long ago one of the posts to this group mentioned a text
titled "Parsing Techniques: A Practical Guide" with an ISBN of
0-13-651431-6 and the authors were listed as Grune and Jacobs.
All my efforts to find this book have failed so far - the ISBN is
not listed in Books in Print or Forthcoming Books... Was this a
reference to a not-yet-released book? Or do I have the title/authors/
ISBN/etc. incorrect? Can someone point me to the publisher?

I will appreciate any hints on how to find this text...

Ben Pratt
Utah Supercomputing Institute
[The ISBN reveals that it's from Prentice-Hall, try calling them and asking.
It can take six months to get listings into Books in Print, so technical
books with quick turnaround often show up late. I listed the Comp.compilers
1990 but I don't expect it to appear in BIP until July. -John]

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