Re: Hash specifics (Vern Paxson)
Sun, 16 Dec 90 22:29:43 GMT

          From comp.compilers

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Newsgroups: comp.compilers
From: (Vern Paxson)
Keywords: design, flex, scanner
Organization: Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley
References: <> <9012122107.aa06454@ICS.UCI.EDU> <> <>
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 90 22:29:43 GMT

In article <> (Jerry Roth) writes:
> Can anyone tell me if adding more expressions to my lexer (one per keyword)
> causes it to execute less efficiently, assuming that I am using LEX/FLEX to
> create it....
> ...
> [It is my impression that the speed at which a flex parser does what it does
> is unrelated to the complexity of the state machine, although its size goes
> up, but I'd be glad to hear from someone who knows definitively. -John]

Right, a finite automaton scanner like flex's looks at each character just
once, regardless of the complexity of the patterns it is matching against (*).
Adding more regular expressions to the rule set makes the scanner tables
bigger but does not change the speed of scanning (except for second-order
effects like page faults). So if space is not a concern, it's easiest and
fastest to match keywords using a separate rule for each one.


Vern Paxson
Real Time Systems ucbvax!!vern
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (415) 486-7504

(*) There are some cases when the scanner must rescan text, though they
        don't arise when using individual rules to match keywords plus a
        generic "identifier" rule to match all non-keyword identifiers.
        flex's -b option helps identify and eliminate these cases.

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