Re: Can Pascal be parsed by LR(1) parsing algorithm? (Robert Firth)
5 Nov 90 14:34:03 GMT

          From comp.compilers

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Newsgroups: comp.compilers
From: (Robert Firth)
Keywords: Pascal, parse, LR(1)
Organization: Software Engineering Institute, Pittsburgh, PA
References: < <14251@goofy.megatest.UUCP>
Date: 5 Nov 90 14:34:03 GMT

In article <14251@goofy.megatest.UUCP> djones@megatest.uucp (Dave Jones) writes:

> case fruit of
> apple: pear: x := 1;
>is not legal.

Please check the syntax in Wirth's paper, section

It reads:

case-list-element ::= {case-label :}+ statement | {case-label :}+

In other words, each case arm can be introduced by several case labels,
all of which of course can be identifiers.

> Just for the fun of it, here's the error barrage that
>the Berkeley Pascal compiler produces:

You mean you believe what a Berkeley compiler tells you? You wouldn't
happen to be needing a bridge, would you?

>P.s. "Labeled" has only two l's.


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