Re: Unsafe Optimizations (WAS: Compiler Design in C How about it?) (Tony Li)
Thu, 7 Jun 90 19:03:15 GMT

          From comp.compilers

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Re: Unsafe Optimizations (WAS: Compiler Design in C How about it?) (1990-06-05)
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Re: Unsafe Optimizations (WAS: Compiler Design in C How about it?) (1990-06-05)
Unsafe Optimizations (WAS: Compiler Design in C How about it?) (1990-06-05)
Re: Unsafe Optimizations (WAS: Compiler Design in C How about it?) (1990-06-06)
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Re: Unsafe Optimizations (WAS: Compiler Design in C How about it?) (1990-06-07)
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Re: Unsafe Optimizations (WAS: Compiler Design in C How about it?) (1990-06-14)
Re: Unsafe Optimizations (WAS: Compiler Design in C How about it?) (1990-06-15)
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Newsgroups: comp.compilers
From: (Tony Li)
References: <> <> <>
Date: Thu, 7 Jun 90 19:03:15 GMT
Organization: University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
Keywords: optimize, parallel

In article <> (James Larus) writes:

        Although parallel prefix may produce a different result, which is
        right and which is wrong?

That depends. If the semantics of the language specifies an order of
evaluation, then a "correct" compiler must implement that order of evaluation.

If your optimizer does something different then it is either a) broken, or b)
implementing a different semantics, which is a different language. If you
claim that your compiler correctly implements language X and you choose option
b, then you mislead your customers. You may claim that your compiler
implements extensions to language X, but if you do so, I would expect the
manual to describe the differences clearly. For example, I would expect that
your optimizer switch would tell me in big, blinking red letters that it
introduces nonstandard semantics.

Tony Li - USC Computer Science Department
Internet: Uucp: usc!tli

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