Re: Unsafe Optimizations (WAS: Compiler Design in C How about it?)

George Merriman -- CCA/NY <>
Tue, 5 Jun 90 02:51:56 GMT

          From comp.compilers

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Newsgroups: comp.compilers
From: George Merriman -- CCA/NY <>
References: <> <>
Date: Tue, 5 Jun 90 02:51:56 GMT
Organization: Cambridge Computer Associates, Inc.
News-Moderator: Approval required for posting to comp.compilers

In article <>, (David Keppel) writes:

> Anyway, at this point one of my
> classmates -- who has worked on optimizing compilers for several
> high-performance computers -- tells me that I am free to feel that way,
> but that her customers won't buy my product. They'd rather spend time
> figuring out why their code gives wrong answers than spend time waiting
> for their computer to give the right answer. (Ok, so they run programs
> that take a week to execute...)

But can these people (and others who may inherit the code) always tell a wrong
answer when they see one?

George Merriman, Cambridge Computer Associates


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