Re: Compiler Design in C how about it?

Brian Rice <rice@DG-RTP.DG.COM>
Fri, 1 Jun 90 23:51:24 GMT

          From comp.compilers

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Newsgroups: comp.compilers
From: Brian Rice <rice@DG-RTP.DG.COM>
Date: Fri, 1 Jun 90 23:51:24 GMT
Organization: Compilers Central

In article <>, (Edwin van Ek) writes:
> Can anyone give me an unbiased opinion about the book Compiler Design in C
> by A. Holub. ...

I bought the book when it first became available (about two and a half months
ago, if my memory serves me). I like it O.K.--it explains things in a way
which I can understand (I'm not a compiler scholar), and the example programs
are detailed and interesting. And, of course, knowing that the author has an
e-mail address and reads comp.compilers is a big plus.

However, I really wish I had waited a few months to buy the book. The copy I
have has a whole lot of typographical errors...not only are the errors
distracting, but also I feel like a sucker for having forked over my US$50 for
the book before Prentice- Hall bothered to run a spelling-checker over the
damn thing.

God willing, they might have done so by now.

Brian Rice (919) 248-6328
DG/UX Product Assurance Engineering
Data General Corp., Research Triangle Park, N.C.

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