Re: GNU distribution tape ported to MSDOS 80386 machines

motcid!stephens@uunet.UU.NET (Kurt Stephens)
16 Apr 90 23:04:00 GMT

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Re: GNU distribution tape ported to MSDOS 80386 machines motcid!stephens@uunet.UU.NET (1990-04-16)
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From: motcid!stephens@uunet.UU.NET (Kurt Stephens)
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Keywords: GNU, c, c++, 386, MSDOS
Date: 16 Apr 90 23:04:00 GMT
Organization: Motorola Inc., Cellular Infrastructure Div., Arlington Heights, IL

I know this sounds like a typical "Looking for a..." posting, but...

I have never seen any 386 ports of GNU software, except for gcc under MINIX.

I'm a student looking for recent ports of g++ and gcc, generating MASM
80386/387 code under MSDOS. Also looking for MSDOS ports of bison, flex,
scheme and other GNU software. Any bits and pieces would be appreciated.
Man pages and source code not necessary, but very helpful. ( The only C
complier I have available is QuickC 2.0. )

Since I don't have Internet access, I'm looking for compassionate souls, that
can mail floppies in any MSDOS format. (360K 1.2M 5.25" or 760K 1.44M 3.5").

I will pay for media, shipping and handling costs.

Small files could be tared, compressed and uuencoded, and EMAILed to me.

Please respond to my UUNET address and not the net.

If I get enough responses, I will have a GNU MSDOS distribution diskset, (if
there isn't such a thing) for anybody who wants it. I really want to see GNU
software available for more platforms.

I will repost a summary of responces.

P.S.: What's the word on the "GNU's Not UNIX" OS? Sounds like a full
blown MINIX to me. :-)

Thanks for your time,

Kurt A. Stephens UUNET: ...!uunet!motcid!stephens
Motorola, Inc. WORK: 708 632 4669
EMX2500 Release Group
[I've only seen versions of small programs like gawk, bison, and flex. Given
the 386's addressing limitations in real mode, I wouldn't hold my breath
waiting for gcc. -John]

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