YACCable grammars for C and C++

jar@ileaf.com (Jim Roskind x5570)
Thu, 8 Mar 90 02:26:29 EST

          From comp.compilers

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YACCable grammars for C and C++ jar@ileaf.com (1990-03-08)
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Date: Thu, 8 Mar 90 02:26:29 EST
From: jar@ileaf.com (Jim Roskind x5570)
Keywords: parse, yacc, C, C++

I have posted 4 articles to comp.lang.c++ on this topic.

Since the total was about 160K of text, I only posted to one news group.
The articles include a 13K introduction, a 65K discussion of the
ambiguities in the c++ language, a 65K YACCable C++ grammar, and a 26K
YACCable C grammar. As I mentioned in January (when I asked for
reviewers from this news group), the grammars are both exceptionally clean.
Neither grammar uses %assoc or %prec constructs from YACC (so none of
the ambiguities are disquised).

Jim Roskind
Independent Consultant

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