Generating Compiler Validation Tests (James S. Marr)
Thu, 10 Aug 89 11:20:41 EDT

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Generating Compiler Validation Tests (1989-08-10)
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Date: Thu, 10 Aug 89 11:20:41 EDT
From: (James S. Marr)

I am interested in any information related to generating compiler
validation tests for a given language. In particular, I would like
to know if any research has been done in the area of automatic
generation of combinations of compiler validation tests; using
the language BNF description as an input, the objective being to
analyze the BNF and produce a list of "recommended" combinations of
tests. For example, two language features may work fine when tested
independently, but may fail if tested in combination. Obviously such
generation of combinations would require some way for the user to
specify how such combinations should be chosen. I would like to know
if anyone has knowledge of any work done along these lines. Please
mail responses directly to me. If there are any significant replies, I
will summarize in a future article.


Jim Marr (
[I'd think that given the current state of the compiling art, any language
describable in BNF should be parsed by a parser derived mechanically from
that BNF, so you're not likely to run into many compiler bugs related
directly to the syntax. I can imagine that other sorts of automatic test
generation would be useful. Anybody have something to report? -John]

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