Pascal to C translator wanted

bnrunix.uucp! (John B. Hampton)
22 Jun 89 19:42:13 GMT

          From comp.compilers

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Pascal to C translator wanted bnrunix.uucp! (1989-06-22)
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From: bnrunix.uucp! (John B. Hampton)
Newsgroups: comp.compilers,comp.sources.wanted,comp.lang.c,comp.lang.pascal
Keywords: Pascal C translator wanted
Date: 22 Jun 89 19:42:13 GMT
Distribution: na
Organization: BNR Inc., RTP, NC

Pretty obvious from the subject line, we need a public domain or inexpensive
third party Pascal -> C translator, written in C, in source form. BSD or
System V specific implementations are OK: we can modify, and in fact will
have to for our home-grown version of Pascal (basically UCSD with extensions).
This will likely be used for a one-time translation of source to source, so
human-readable C (or at least the option for it) is imperative.

I know I have seen queries and/or responses for Pascal -> C translators on
the net before, so please don't flame me for not paying appropriate attention.
Mea culpa, already.

Email responses are fine. Thanks in advance.

-- John
John Hampton UUCP: ...mcnc!rti!bnrunix!jbh
BNR, Inc. POB 13478 RTP, NC 27709 919-991-8146

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