yacc for VHDL wanted

"Erwinus Theodorus Leonardus Omtzigt (Theo)" <omtzigt-theo@yale.edu>
Wed, 21 Jun 89 13:07:26 EDT

          From comp.compilers

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yacc for VHDL wanted omtzigt-theo@yale.edu (Erwinus Theodorus Leonardus Omtzigt (Theo)) (1989-06-21)
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Date: Wed, 21 Jun 89 13:07:26 EDT
From: "Erwinus Theodorus Leonardus Omtzigt (Theo)" <omtzigt-theo@yale.edu>

I want to do some experiments with VHDL, however, our library does not
have a reference to the official language definition. Having experience
with the cosmic time delays of Inter Library Loans I post this message:

        Is there a lex/yacc description (C as host language) of VHDL in
        the poblic domain? If it is just your own hack and you wouldn't
        mind sharing it I would be just as grateful.

Theodore Omtzigt omtzigt-theo@YALE.EDU

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