Some Info Needed

cejen@hitchhiker.uucp (David Hinkle)
16 Jun 89 21:07:06 GMT

          From comp.compilers

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Some Info Needed cejen@hitchhiker.uucp (1989-06-16)
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From: cejen@hitchhiker.uucp (David Hinkle)
Newsgroups: comp.lang.lisp,comp.compilers
Keywords: parser,cross referencer
Date: 16 Jun 89 21:07:06 GMT
Distribution: usa

I am in need of any and all pointers to public domain versions of

    (1) a lex and/or YACC-like tool in commonLISP (i.e. given a grammar
            it should generate CommonLISP code out)

    (2) a CommonLISP-based code cross-referencer (call tree)

    (3) any other related code parsing and analysis tools.

Thanks in advance.

David Hinkle
[From cejen@hitchhiker.uucp (David Hinkle)]

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