pascal to C

William Bader-84668 <wbader@scarecrow.csee.Lehigh.EDU>
Mon, 19 Jun 89 23:07:12 -0400

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pascal to C wbader@scarecrow.csee.Lehigh.EDU (William Bader-84668) (1989-06-19)
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Date: Mon, 19 Jun 89 23:07:12 -0400
From: William Bader-84668 <wbader@scarecrow.csee.Lehigh.EDU>

A company called HCR makes a Pascal to C translator that passes the Pascal
Validation Suite (on Xenix 286, I think). The other compilers that I
have used under Xenix (MS Pascal, and Oregon Pascal-2) are either not
conformant to the standard (MS) or slightly buggy (Oregon). I use the
386 version of the Oregon compiler, though, because it produces faster
code and the C generated by HCR has a tendency to crash the (rather poor)
Xenix C compiler. Also, HCR requires linking with a library, and HCR only
provides a 286 version.
William Bader

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