Yacc script for a Pascal parser wanted

limonce@pilot.njin.net (Tom Limoncelli)
19 Jun 89 18:44:49 GMT

          From comp.compilers

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Yacc script for a Pascal parser wanted limonce@pilot.njin.net (1989-06-19)
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From: limonce@pilot.njin.net (Tom Limoncelli)
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 19 Jun 89 18:44:49 GMT
Organization: Drew University/NJIN

Does anyone have a yacc script that describes Pascal? I'm working on
a formatter for a pascal-like language and it would be very nice to
not re-invent the wheel.

  Tom Limoncelli -- tlimonce@drunivac.Bitnet -- limonce@pilot.njin.net
              Drew University -- Box 1060, Madison, NJ -- 201-408-5389

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