Re: Book on compilers using Yacc & Lex

Todd M. Lewis <>
Mon, 12 Jun 89 08:14:09 EDT

          From comp.compilers

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Book on compilers using Yacc & Lex ima!uunet!swbatl!uucibg (1989-06-06)
Re: Book on compilers using Yacc & Lex (Todd M. Lewis) (1989-06-12)
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Date: Mon, 12 Jun 89 08:14:09 EDT
From: Todd M. Lewis <>

>I recall a book about writing a compiler using Yacc and Lex. ...

This sounds like a book by Arthur B. Pyster, _Compiler_Design_and_
_Construction:_Tools_and_Techniques_, 1988. I looked it up on-line and
so couldn't get the ISBN. It was QA76.6 .P9 1988. It uses lex and yacc
to generate parts of a Pascal compiler. Also talks about code generation
some, but mostly deals with the front end. Hope this helps.

Todd M. Lewis,, utoddl@ecsvax.bitnet
[Based on previous articles, this isn't what the original poster was looking
for, but it sounds interesting anyway. -John]

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