Eli: A Complete, Flexible Compiler Construction System

Robert Gray <bob@boulder.Colorado.EDU>
Wed, 7 Jun 89 11:48:30 MDT

          From comp.compilers

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Eli: A Complete, Flexible Compiler Construction System bob@boulder.Colorado.EDU (Robert Gray) (1989-06-07)
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Date: Wed, 7 Jun 89 11:48:30 MDT
From: Robert Gray <bob@boulder.Colorado.EDU>

Our group has submitted a paper for publication that describes our
compiler development environment. Since publication time will be
at least a year, the paper is available now either in hard copy
or via ftp (boulder.colorado.edu, pub/eli.paper.me.Z ).

If you take a soft ftp copy (troff), please email a note to me:

If you want a hardcopy US Mailed to you, request TR SEG 89-1-1
from our secretary: maejean@boulder.colorado.edu
Maejean Ruehlman
Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept
Box 425
Boulder Co, 80309-0425

Eli: A Complete, Flexible Compiler Construction System


Eli integrates off-the-shelf tools and libraries
with specialized language processors to provide a system
for generating complete compilers quickly and reliably.
Its aim is to simplify the development of new special-purpose languages,
implementation of existing languages on new hardware and
extension of the constructs and features of existing languages.
This paper discusses the model of compiler construction upon which
Eli is based, the flexible structure that allows the system to evolve
gracefully as advances are made in tools and algorithms, and the
experience we have gained in using Eli for a variety of compiler
development tasks.

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