Book on compilers using Yacc & Lex

ima!uunet!swbatl!uucibg (Brian Gilstrap 5-3929)
Tue, 6 Jun 89 15:14:46 CDT

          From comp.compilers

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Book on compilers using Yacc & Lex ima!uunet!swbatl!uucibg (1989-06-06)
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From: ima!uunet!swbatl!uucibg (Brian Gilstrap 5-3929)
Date: Tue, 6 Jun 89 15:14:46 CDT

Well, I tried this from a different machine and it claimed to post but appears
to have gotten lost in the ether...

I recall a book about writing a compiler using Yacc and Lex. It was oversized
and had a blue cover (light blue if I recall correctly). I seem to recall that
it may have even included 'Yacc' and/or 'Lex' in the title. Could someone
please tell me any of: Author, full title, ISBN number, publisher?

Thanks much.
Brian R. Gilstrap | Southwestern Bell Telephone | Disclaimer:
...!killer!texbell!swbatl!uucibg | One Bell Center Rm 17-G-4 | my mouth &
...!bellcore!texbell!swbatl!uucibg | St. Louis, MO 63101 | fingers: my
...!uunet!swbatl!uucibg | (314) 235-3929 | opinions

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