Sytax Directed Translation and Development Tools (Peter Newton)
Fri, 2 Jun 89 13:59:54 CDT

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Sytax Directed Translation and Development Tools (1989-06-02)
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Posted-Date: Fri, 2 Jun 89 13:59:54 CDT
From: (Peter Newton)
Date: Fri, 2 Jun 89 13:59:54 CDT

I am working on a parallel programming project that will involve the
creation of several translators. It would be nice if these
translators could be developed using very high level tools. Since
this is a research project, the speed of the translators is not

I am interested in experiences with and availability of syntax directed
translation engines like GAG. Does anyone know where to get this
program? I am also interested in tools to assist in the creation of
symbol tables.

On a more general note, are there tools out there that can speed the
development of translators more than lex and yacc type things? What
is the state of the art in this area?
[From (Peter Newton)]

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