Ada compilers for PCs

jeepcj2a@tc.fluke.COM (Dale Chaudiere)
8 Apr 88 19:40:07 GMT

          From comp.compilers

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Ada compilers for PCs jeepcj2a@tc.fluke.COM (1988-04-08)
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From: jeepcj2a@tc.fluke.COM (Dale Chaudiere)
Newsgroups: comp.lang.ada,comp.compilers
Keywords: Ada
Date: 8 Apr 88 19:40:07 GMT

I am learning Ada and am in need of a compiler that runs on an IBM PC
(we have a PS2 Model 60, and an AT, and are using DOS 3.30). Could
you experienced Ada users recommend a good compiler, and tell me how
to get it?
jeepcj2a@tc.fluke.COM Dale Chaudiere (206) 356-5894
                  . John Fluke Mfg. Co., Inc.
                /! \_. P.O. Box C9090, M/S 272G
              'o"""o` Everett, WA 98206 USA

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