Re: Static analysis of code for "flop counting"?

Eugene Miya N. <>
Wed, 6 May 87 20:36:31 pdt

          From comp.compilers

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Date: Wed, 6 May 87 20:36:31 pdt
From: Eugene Miya N. <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
In-Reply-To: <559@ima.UUCP>
Organization: NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, Calif.

[In reference to machines with hardware or software assistance for
instruction tracing and counting... ]

Sorry, I am just catching up with last changed groups.
I have never run on a Honeywell machine. The best machine I have seen
(not perfect, but pretty nice) is a Cray X-MP with its Hardware
Performance Monitor. We have proposed a session at the Cray User Group
meeting in Tokyo, Japan, Fall 1988 on this topic for those interested
(like LANL). The HPM is like an atomic clock (well not quite, but it
hums nicely) to an old wind-up clock (like a VAX [lots of skew]).

%A John L. Larson
%T Multitasking on the CRAY X-MP-2 Multiprocessor
%J Computer
%V 17
%N 7
%D July 1984
%P 62-69
%K Hardware-software interface: effect on performance
%X A summary of the paper on Multitasking FORTRAN. It uses subroutine
calls and arrays to START, WAIT, LOCK processes and signal (POST) EVENTS.
The paper does not mention deadlock or blocking.

>From the Rock of Ages Home for Retired Hackers:

--eugene miya
    NASA Ames Research Center
    "You trust the `reply' command with all those different mailers out there?"
    "Send mail, avoid follow-ups. If enough, I'll summarize."


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