Re: Crypto friendly optimization?
Sun, 25 Aug 2024 16:06:00 +0000

          From comp.compilers

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Re: Crypto friendly optimization? (Keith Thompson) (2024-08-24)
Re: Crypto friendly optimization? (David Brown) (2024-08-25)
Re: Crypto friendly optimization? (2024-08-25)
Re: Crypto friendly optimization? (David Brown) (2024-08-25)
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Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: Sun, 25 Aug 2024 16:06:00 +0000
Organization: Compilers Central
References: 24-08-003 24-08-004
Injection-Info:; posting-host=""; logging-data="23593"; mail-complaints-to=""
Keywords: optimize, C, comment
Posted-Date: 25 Aug 2024 13:30:20 EDT

Keith Thompson <> writes:
>John R Levine <> writes:
>> On a cryptography list people were complaining that compiler optimizers
>> mess up their cryptographic code and make it insecure. They try to write
>> code that runs in constant time, or that erases all the temporary storage,
>> but the compilers say oh, that's dead code, or oh, I can make this faster
>> with a few branches and the erases go away and the constatnt time isn't.
>> This 2018 paper from Cambridge discusses changes they made to Clang/LLVM
>> so they could tell the compiler what they wanted it to do. Has there been
>> other work on this topic?
>C23 will add the memset_explicit() function :
> The memset_explicit function copies the value of c (converted to an
> unsigned char) into each of the first n characters of the object
> pointed to by s. The purpose of this function is to make sensitive
> information stored in the object inaccessible.
>I'm not aware of any current implementations that support it.

That's trivial:

void *memset_explicit( void *dest, int ch, size_t count )
    memset(dest, ch, count);

Yes, calls to such a memset_explicit() can be eliminated by an
adversarial compiler, but this makes such an implementation ideal for
such a compiler: there is nothing faster than an eliminated call, and
it satisfies the specification. After all, if the data stored in the
area overwritten by memset_explicit is not accessible by a standard C
program without exercising undefined behaviour (a scenario ignored by
adversarial compilers), memset_explicit() does not change that, so an
adversarial compiler can "optimize" it away. And if the memory is
accessible by a standard program, the compiler will not eliminate a
call to memset(), either.

Does it satisfy the purpose? No, but it does wrt the C abstract
machine something that is equivalent (given the as-if rule and
assuming that no undefined behaviour is exercised) to the
specification, and that's the justification used for every misdeed of
adversarial compilers.

>[C11 has memset_s() which seems more or less the same thing.

Yes, someone told me that memset_s() is the solution to the problem of
clearing memory reliably. Given that, why have they added
memset_explicit()? The specification of memset_s() contains:

|Unlike memset, any call to the memset_s function shall be evaluated
|strictly according to the rules of the abstract machine as described
|in ( That is, any call to the memset_s function shall assume
|that the memory indicated by s and n may be accessible in the future
|and thus must contain the values indicated by c.

In <> I wrote about that:
|Now, everything else (including memset()) in the standard also is
|evaluated according to the rules of the abstract machine, and the
|"optimization" comes in afterwards, applies the as-if rule, and poof,
|memset() is gone, and so is memset_s().

Could it be that compilers do this with memset_s() and that's why C23
has added memset_explicit()? And I expect that the same will happen
to memset_explicit(), too.

>I put the wrong link in the previous message. The paper is
>here: -John]

There was also a talk by Ilja van Sprundel at 35C3 about the problem
and he needed the full hour allocated to the talk. The talk is called
"Memsad - why clearing memory is hard" and here are some links to it:

- anton
M. Anton Ertl
[This all seems directed to leaving stuff in memory. Anyone done work
on constant-time code? -John]

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