Seed7 Release 2020-06-28
Tue, 30 Jun 2020 09:26:31 -0700 (PDT)

          From comp.compilers

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Seed7 Release 2020-06-28 (2020-06-30)
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Date: Tue, 30 Jun 2020 09:26:31 -0700 (PDT)
Organization: Compilers Central
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Keywords: OOP, available
Posted-Date: 30 Jun 2020 13:28:56 EDT


I have released a new version of Seed7: seed7_05_20200628.tgz
The download is here:
In the Seed7 programming language new statements and operators can
be declared easily. Types are first class objects and therefore
templates/generics need no special syntax. Object orientation is used
when it brings advantages and not in places when other solutions are
more obvious.

Seed7 is covered by the GPL (and LGPL for the Seed7 runtime library).

- The new library zstd.s7i has been added. This library supports
    Zstandard compressed files.
- The functions getOwner() and getGroup() have been added to cpio.s7i,
    osfiles.s7i, ar.s7i, rpm.s7i, tar.s7i, zip.s7i and filesys.s7i.
- The function unsetenv() has been added to the library
    environment.s7i. This function deletes a variable from the
- In bytedata.s7i the function getAsciiz() has been improved.
- The function gets() has been improved in gzip.s7i, iobuffer.s7i,
    lzma.s7i, strifile.s7i, subfile.s7i, utf16.s7i, xz.s7i and
    string.s7i. Now gets() can be called with a maxLength of
    integer.last, without triggering an OVERFLOW_ERROR.
- Several improvents have been done for the library rpm.s7i:
    - Now it supports a Zstandard compressed payload.
    - A catalog has been added to rpm.s7i. This is necessary allow
        writing to an RPM archive. Several functions have been rewritten
        to use the catalog instead of file numbers.
    - Checks for the payload digest and for file digests have
        been added.
    - Several RPM tags have been added and the function to write a tag
        name has been renamed to rpmtagName().
    - The functions getStringArray(), createMinimumOfCatalog(),
        createRegister(), getInt(), readCatalogEntry(),
        updateIndexEntry(), updateMetadata(), doSettings(), getDigest(),
        checkPayloadDigest(), archiveFilePath(), getOwner(), setOwner(),
        getGroup(), setGroup(), putFile() and mkdir() have been added.
- The functions setOwner() and setGroup have been added to tar.s7i.
- The library bitdata.s7i has been improved. Now it supports the type
    reverseBitStream and functions to create and read reverse bit
    streams. Reverse bit streams are used by the Zstandard compression.
- The new exception INDEX_ERROR has been introduced. An INDEX_ERROR
    occurs, if an index is used to access an 'array', 'string',
    'bstring' or 'ref_list' element beyond the elements that actually
    exist. Formerly this triggered a RANGE_ERROR.
- Several files have been adjusted to use INDEX_ERROR instead of
    RANGE_ERROR. Checks for INDEX_ERROR have been added to chkexc.sd7
    and chkstr.sd7.
- The FAQ has been improved. Now the design principles of Seed7 are
    listed. The description how the type of an expression is determined
    (bottom up), has been improved also.
- Chapters about the exception RANGE_ERROR and about the suppresson
    of exception checks have been added to the manual.
- Several things in the compiler have been improved:
    - Index checks can now be suppresed with the option -si.
    - The generation of warnings, for a catch with suppressed exception
        checks, has been improved.
    - Code for the actions INT_BYTES_BE_2_UINT and INT_BYTES_LE_2_UINT
        is inlined, if the option -oc3 is used and the argument of the
        function is a string slice. This actions are used by the function
    - Now optimized code for the index access of a ref_list is generated.
        This reduces the runtime of an index access by 56% (Measured with
        gcc and Valgrind when the compiler compiles bas7). The runtime of
        the compiler is reduced by 0.2%.
    - Better code for the 'times' operator is generated. Now arrTimes()
        is used, if the array element is a simple value type (e.g. an
    - Converting an integer to a bitset and computing the cardinality
        of the set is already optimized by the compiler. Now the check for
        negative integers can be suppressed with -sr.
    - Index accesses for string and bstring have been improved to use
        the function getParameterAsVariable().
- Tests for the compiler optimization of bytes2Int() have been added
    to chkint.sd7.
- In chkstr.sd7 tests vor @:= with an empty source string (e.g.
    stri @:= [1] "") have been added.
- The functions memsetGeneric() and arrTimes() have been added to
- In arr_rtl.c a check to avoid creating an array with a negative
    number of elements has been added to arrMalloc().
- The program chkccomp.c has been improved to determine the values
- The function linkerOptionAllowed() has been added to chkccomp.c.
- The program chkccomp.c has been improved to write the linker option
    -rpath in a way that works with modern linkers. The meaning of the
    -rpath option has changed and it must be combined with the option
    --disable-new-dtags to get the old behavior.
- The functions getGroupFromGid(), getUserFromUid(), cmdGetGroup(),
    cmdGetOwner() and cmdUser() have been added to cmd_unx.c.
- The functions wunsetenv(), getNameFromSid(), cmdGetGroup(),
    cmdGetOwner() and cmdUser() have been added to cmd_win.c.
- Definition of extern "C" have been added to db_fire.h, db_lite.h,
    db_my.h, db_oci.h, db_odbc.h, db_post.h and db_tds.h.
- Interpreter and compiler have been improved to support the actions

Thomas Mertes

Seed7 Homepage:
Seed7 - The extensible programming language: User defined statements
and operators, abstract data types, templates without special
syntax, OO with interfaces and multiple dispatch, statically typed,
interpreted or compiled, portable, runs under linux/unix/windows.

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