Major release of xocc C compiler, 0.11.0, based on BSD license!

Steven Su <>
Sun, 21 Jun 2020 06:32:15 -0700 (PDT)

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Major release of xocc C compiler, 0.11.0, based on BSD license! (Steven Su) (2020-06-21)
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From: Steven Su <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: Sun, 21 Jun 2020 06:32:15 -0700 (PDT)
Organization: Compilers Central
Injection-Info:; posting-host=""; logging-data="40976"; mail-complaints-to=""
Keywords: C, available
Posted-Date: 21 Jun 2020 10:42:50 EDT

Hello everybody,

I'm glad to announce the major release of xocc C compiler, 0.11.0, based on BSD license.
xocc is a C compiler that based on XOC infrastructure, XGEN code generator and XOCFE
C frontend.
Both xocc, XOC, XGEN, and XOCFE are based on BSD license.

XOC provides multi-level operations, flexibility, and the capability of representing almost all popular languages.
There are mainly two level IR representations used throughout all phases of the compilation.
In addition to basic IR representation, XOC also provides IR builder, BB manipulating api, Control Flow Graph(CFG),
IR lowering, Control Dependent Graph, Dominator Tree, Register SSA, Memory SSA, Agressive Flow Sensitive Alias Analysis,
Flow Insensitive Alias Analysis, Agressive Field Sensitive Alias Analysis, Interprocedual Analysis Framework, Inliner,
Dead Code Elimination, Copy Propagation, GCSE, GVN, and a lot of sophisticated control flow and peephole optimizations.
Moveover, XOC does not use any std library, it provides all basic algorithm library such Vector, List, Map, Dense Bitset,
Sparse Bitset, Graph, Mempool, Big-Integer, Linear Algebraic library, Linear Programming Solver, just read
Manual.txt of XOC.

XGEN provides a retargetable machine code generator.
For now, it could generate ARM, x86, PAC code. But, x86 and PAC code generator are not release for temporary.
XGEN provides IR2OR translator, Pre-Instruction-Schedular, Register Allocation, Post-Instruction-Schedular,
Instruction Packager and Assembly Printer.

XOCFE is a C frontend, it could provide AST as output.

xocc is a driver that compose XOCFE, AST2IR, XOC and XGEN into complete C compiler.

All features provided by xocc, XOC, XGEN, XOCFE could empower you to develop any compiler and analysis tools.

More important is, any feedback on the compiler and its components would be much appreciated!

To build xocc, see for details.

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