What happens at the end of the file for lex?

Philipp Klaus Krause <pkk@spth.de>
Wed, 3 Jun 2020 10:04:50 +0200

          From comp.compilers

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What happens at the end of the file for lex? pkk@spth.de (Philipp Klaus Krause) (2020-06-03)
Re: What happens at the end of the file for lex? pkk@spth.de (Philipp Klaus Krause) (2020-06-04)
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From: Philipp Klaus Krause <pkk@spth.de>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: Wed, 3 Jun 2020 10:04:50 +0200
Organization: solani.org
Injection-Info: gal.iecc.com; posting-host="news.iecc.com:2001:470:1f07:1126:0:676f:7373:6970"; logging-data="98343"; mail-complaints-to="abuse@iecc.com"
Keywords: lex, question, comment
Posted-Date: 03 Jun 2020 19:57:44 EDT
Content-Language: en-US

I wonder what is supposed to happen when a lex lexer reaches the end of
the input calling input().

The only information I found in the flex 2.6.4 manual states:

If 'input()' encounters an end-of-file the normal 'yywrap()' processing
is done. A "real" end-of-file is returned by 'input()' as 'EOF'.

What is the difference between an "end-of-file" and a "'real' end-of-file"?

I did a quick test using this .lex file:

. {for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {int ch = input(); printf("%d\n", ch);}}


And using a single-character input-file, I see:

philipp@notebook5:/tmp$ ./a.out < test.c

So apparently input() just returns 0 (and keeps doing so).

Is input() supposed to always return 0 at the end? Could inut() return 0
in some other situation? When would input() return EOF?

[The convention in lex and flex is that input() returns 0 at tne end of input.
You can use a <<EOF>> rule if you want your lexer to do something other than return
when it gets to EOF. The yywrap() routine is used for file switching if your lexer
handles multiple input files in a single run. -John]

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