Re: PR1ME C compiler sources and pointer formats (Dennis Boone)
Mon, 30 Sep 2019 22:10:13 -0500

          From comp.compilers

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Re: PR1ME C compiler sources and pointer formats (2019-09-30)
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From: (Dennis Boone)
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: Mon, 30 Sep 2019 22:10:13 -0500
Organization: Compilers Central
References: 19-09-003 19-09-004 19-09-016 19-09-019
Injection-Info:; posting-host=""; logging-data="42666"; mail-complaints-to=""
Keywords: C, architecture, history
Posted-Date: 01 Oct 2019 10:38:43 EDT

  > I don't know where you saw the description of the register set. I
  > suspect it was only describing the "general purpose registers"
  > associated with IX-mode (which I knew as I*-mode). The 48 bit pointer
  > registers are not part of that set. And, what I was describing
  > previously was the way the C compiler worked in V-mode. Reading the
  > documentation on the C compiler for IX-mode. It is clear that they
  > added a whole new way of dealing with 32 bit pointers using the
  > general purpose registers.

Ignoring floating point stuff, the registers are all 16- or 32-bit. The
48 bit pointers are strictly memory-based.

I mode is a general register mode. It doesn't do much of anything to
hide segmentation. It does include register-relative addressing, that
is, putting pointers into general registers.

IX mode is a small extension to I mode, which adds some additional
manipulation of pointers in registers, and some support for C character
manipulation. Again, doesn't do much of anything to hide segmentation.

  > So, what follows is what I remember of the V-mode segmented address
  > space (with some guesses as to how they probably tweaked it for
  > IX-mode to make it appear more linear). There were 4 pointer
  > registers in V-mode. PB -- a pointer to the instruction space. LB --
  > a pointer to "static" memory. SB -- a pointer to the "stack frame".
  > XB -- a pointer for general use. If I recall correctly, only the XB
  > was actually modifiable by normal code; done with the EAXB
  > instruction, calculate effective address (including doing
  > indirections) and store it in the XB register. The PB, LB, and SB
  > registers were only changed by the PCL (procedure call) instruction
  > (and it's corresponding return). Each of these registers had the two
  > bits I mentioned previously (although, I forgot the ring bits which
  > separated them), a ring number 0, 1, 2, or 3 (the OS ran in ring 0 and
  > user code ran in ring 3, the DBMS used ring 1 or 2 if I recall
  > correctly, but the other ring was unused), a segment number, a
  > half-word (16 bit offset), and a bit offset (that was only used by the
  > hardware at the character (8 bit) level).

I suppose the base registers are "pointer registers" in the strict
sense, but 3/4 of them have fixed purposes. You can directly alter the
contents of LB and XB via the EALB and EAXB instructions. The obvious
way to alter PB is to use a PCL instruction. The only one left is SB,
which you can modify by using the RSAV and RRST instructions to save
registers and restore them.

  > Calls to the OS or DBMS were done through the standard PCL mechanism
  > which would change which ring you were running in (increasing your
  > priority), but every segment also had a ring number (as well as every
  > pointer) had a ring number associated with it and the values were
  > ORed, so that you got the lowest priority access. Thus, if you fudged
  > a pointer and you called into the OS, the OS would see your pointer
  > was in a lower priority space and use only the access rights that
  > space had to that address. Code could also lower the priority of a
  > pointer itself, by setting the ring bits, and I believe if you stored
  > a pointer, the hardware stored the ring bits in the saved pointer to
  > be the weak access it was using. So, even if your pointer got copied
  > into a ring 0 memory location, it would remain a ring 3 pointer if it
  > originally came from user space.

Entrance to the OS is through the PCL instruction and the gate
mechanism. The microcode and/or the OS perform ring selection and
weakening as needed to ensure security. Storing a pointer does not
cause any change in it.

  > The hardware supported at least 3 faults related to pointers. Access
  > violation, the pointer was accessing a segment in a way it didn't have
  > rights to, with roughly the same 3 mode bits read, write, and execute
  > for each ring. Pointer fault, the fault bit in the pointer was set.
  > and page fault, the pointer pointed to a page that wasn't currently
  > mapped in. I believe there was also a segment fault for segments that
  > did not exist.

A pointer fault can occur for several reasons: the fault bit being set,
pointing into an invalid location, etc. Page faults are part of the
virtual memory mechanism, and are not reflected to the user via a
condition the way a segmentation or pointer fault (or others).

  > So, my guess is that IX mode did roughly that, putting the XB at the
  > start of the linear address space for C programs and making the
  > instructions which used the GPR registers as pointers, do the
  > appropriate bit twiddling in hardware but basing the resulting address
  > off the XB. Alternately, the instructions using the GPR registers as
  > pointers could have used "absolute addressing" with no base register,
  > letting the pointers deal with the segments (and their ring
  > restrictions) as required. The rings and segments would have still
  > been there but the code would have had the 29 bits to play with and
  > probably treated all accesses as if it were from ring 3.

I haven't spent as much time with I mode as with V, but the usual
idiom is to move XB around as needed.


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