Re: Why do some versions of bison require {} here?

Philipp Klaus Krause <>
Thu, 3 Jan 2019 09:15:25 +0100

          From comp.compilers

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From: Philipp Klaus Krause <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: Thu, 3 Jan 2019 09:15:25 +0100
References: 19-01-001
Injection-Info:; posting-host=""; logging-data="16991"; mail-complaints-to=""
Keywords: yacc
Posted-Date: 03 Jan 2019 20:15:04 EST
Content-Language: en-US

Am 01.01.19 um 10:55 schrieb Philipp Klaus Krause:
> [Adding the empty action forces bison to reduce the rule rather than just
> shifting and saving state for later. I couldn't guess why that would matter
> in this case. Are there precedence rules? With your change does the grammar compile
> cleanly or does it have conflicts? -John]

Well, for me (but I don't see the problem without the {} on my system -
GNU bison 3.2.2 on Debian GNU/Linux), both with and without {}, when using
LANG=C bison -W -y -d SDCC.y
I get 7 warning about "empty rule without %empty", but no other
warnings. The people reporting issues seem to be using GNU bison on
Microsoft Windows.


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