Does 2500AD Software still exist ??

Garth Wilson <>
Thu, 11 Jul 2013 13:07:19 -0700

          From comp.compilers

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Does 2500AD Software still exist ?? (Garth Wilson) (2013-07-11)
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From: Garth Wilson <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2013 13:07:19 -0700
Organization: Compilers Central
Keywords: assembler, history, question
Posted-Date: 11 Jul 2013 16:31:08 EDT

  Andrew, did you get an answer? I just now found your post (four years
after the fact) as I was doing a web search for the company. I used the
2500AD assembler for 6502/65c02 in the late 1980's. It was definitely a
very good one, although I do seem to find at least minor bugs and
problems with every piece of software I use. Later I used Cross-32
(abreviated C32), originally from Universal Cross Assemblers in Canada,
but now has been bought by Data Sync Engineering. See I suppose changes in the source
code will always be needed when going from one assembler to another, but
they should be minor and not take long. I do still have the
quick-reference manual (under 1/4" thick) for the 2500AD assembler but
not the full manual.

Avocet Systems ( seems to have taken over
2500AD. I remember they seemed to have a good assembler too when I was
using 2500AD.

Garth Wilson
Southern California

    Newsgroups: comp.compilers,comp.os.msdos.misc,
    From: (Andrew E. Marold)
    Keywords: assembler, question
    Organization: Analog Devices, Norwood MA
    Date: Mon, 9 Mar 1992 21:09:24 GMT

    I am working on an embedded system, and "inherited" about 10,000
    lines of 8051 assembly code and an assembler with no docs. When run,
    the assembler prints as a header:


    Has anyone out there in Net-land ever heard of this company, and if
    so, are they still out there ? I have no docs for this thing and it's
    very frustrating to use. It would take way to long to convert to
    another assembler, so I'm stuck with this one. If you have anything
    that might be of use, please reply by email. Thanks!!

                        Andrew E. Marold Analog Devices
                        Software Engineer DSP Software Tools Group
               Norwood, MA 02062 USA

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