Re: Maintaining scope while parsing C with a YACC grammar

Paul B Mann <>
Fri, 6 May 2011 10:43:51 -0700 (PDT)

          From comp.compilers

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From: Paul B Mann <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: Fri, 6 May 2011 10:43:51 -0700 (PDT)
Organization: Compilers Central
References: 11-04-036
Keywords: parse, yacc
Posted-Date: 10 May 2011 10:50:52 EDT

There are two independent topics being discussed here.

(1) Scope of variables.
(2) typedef variables.

(1) Scope of variables is solved easily. In your symbol table you
have to keep track of the level for all variables. Every time you
see a '{' you have to increment the level. So the 'a' will be put
into the symbol table as a level 1 variable and the 'b' will be a
level 2. The bottom-up quality of LALR will not affect this. The
'a' will be seen first and the 'b' later, so no problem here.

(2) The infamous 'typedef' problem continues to plague the newbie or
part-time LALR grammar hacker, but it was solved way back in 1987 by
an LALR parser generator which used an integrated symbol table and
semantic grammar symbols (e.i. {typedef}). The state-of-the-art
simple solution works fine with the LRSTAR parser generator (see Here is the simple LALR(1) grammar which
solves this 'typedef' problem:

/* C Typedef Solution. */

      <error> => error();
      <identifier> => lookup(); /* Symbol table lookup. */

/* Rules. */

      Input -> [Declaration]... <eof> +> input_

              -> VarDecl [',' Var ]... ';' +> decl_
              -> typedef VarDecl2 [',' Var2]... ';' +> typedefdecl_

      VarDecl -> Type... Ident

      Var -> [Ptr]... Ident

      VarDecl2 -> Type... Ident2

      Var2 -> [Ptr]... Ident2

      Ident -> <identifier> +> ident_(1)

      Ident2 -> <identifier> +> ident_(1,{typedef})

                    -> SimpleType +> type_(1)
                    -> Type Ptr

      Ptr -> '*' +> ptr_

                    -> char
                    -> int
                    -> short
                    -> unsigned
                    -> {typedef}

It handles the input file:

typedef unsigned int UINT, * UINTPTR;
UNIT a, b, c;
UINTPTR x, y, z;

Note, no hacks or kludges are required, just a state-of-the-art parser

Paul B Mann

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