What's wrong with my grammar definition in sablecc, who can help me?

zheng yang <pointerkarajan@gmail.com>
Sun, 9 May 2010 19:38:03 -0700 (PDT)

          From comp.compilers

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What's wrong with my grammar definition in sablecc, who can help me? pointerkarajan@gmail.com (zheng yang) (2010-05-09)
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Re: What's wrong with my grammar definition in sablecc, who can help m gneuner2@comcast.net (George Neuner) (2010-05-15)
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From: zheng yang <pointerkarajan@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: Sun, 9 May 2010 19:38:03 -0700 (PDT)
Organization: Compilers Central
Keywords: parse, question
Posted-Date: 10 May 2010 01:23:37 EDT

When I generate the parer use sablecc with the custom grammar, so many
reduce/shift conflicts comes up, I have modified it, but the error
still there, how can fix it, please help me. below is the grammar

// ************************ Helpers


        all = [0..0xffff];
        space = ' ';
        lf = 0x000a; // line feed
        cr = 0x000d; // carriage return
        ff = 0x000c; // form feed
        ht = 0x0009; // tab

        new_line = lf | cr | cr lf ;
        not_cr_lf = [all - [cr + lf]];

letter = ['a' .. 'z'] | ['A'..'Z'];
            digit = ['0'..'9'];

// ************************ Tokens

        // Example token:
        // Do not change the white_space token below (LexerDriver uses
        white_space = (space | ht | ff | new_line)*;

// ********************** Comments
sl_comment = '//'not_cr_lf* new_line;

// ********************** Keywords
k_class = 'class';
l_curly = '{';
k_const = 'const';
semicolon = ';';
k_void = 'void';
k_int = 'int';
k_char = 'char';
k_bool = 'bool';
k_float = 'float';
k_string = 'string';
k_if = 'if';
k_else = 'else';
k_return = 'return';
k_while = 'while';
k_true = 'true';
k_false = 'false';
l_brace = '{';
r_brace = '}';
k_equal = '=';
l_bracket = '[';
r_bracket = ']';
l_par = '(';
r_par = ')';
dot = '.';
comma = ',';
bar_bar = '||';
ampersand_ampersand = '&&';
lt = '<';
lteq = '<=';
gt = '>';
gteq = '>=';
eqeq = '==';
neq = '!=';

plus = '+';
minus = '-';
star = '*';
div = '/';
mod = '%';
excl_mark = '!';

// ********************** Literals

identifier = letter (letter | digit)*;
stringlit = '"' [not_cr_lf - ''']+ '"';
integerlit = digit+;

Ignored Tokens

// ********************** Operators

program = class_decls*;
class_decls = {class_declars} class_decl class_decls|
{class_declare_single} class_decl;
class_decl = {class_declaration}class_hdr l_brace member_decls*
class_hdr = k_class identifier;
member_decls = {member_declars}member_decls member_decl |
member_decl = {field_declaration}field_decl | {method_declaration}
method_decl | semicolon ;
field_decl = {type_id}type identifier semicolon | {assignment}type
identifier k_equal expr semicolon |{array}type identifier l_bracket
integerlit r_bracket;

type = {type_int} k_int | {type_char} k_char | {type_bool} k_bool |
{type_string} k_string | {type_float} k_float;

method_decl = {method_argvs}method_hdr l_par formals+ r_par block |
{method_no_argvs} method_hdr l_par r_par block;

method_hdr = {void_id}k_void identifier | {type_id}type identifier;
formals = {fomal_single}formal | {fomal_multiple} formals formal;
formal = {type_id}type identifier | {fomal_array}type identifier
l_bracket r_bracket;
block = {block_stmts}l_brace stmts+ r_brace |{block_no_stmts}l_brace
stmts = stmt*;
stmt = {stmt_single}simple_stmt | {stmt_condition}k_if condition
k_else stmt;
condition = l_par expr r_par;

local_decl = {type_id}type identifier semicolon |{id_equ_expr}type
identifier k_equal expr semicolon | {array}type identifier l_bracket
integerlit r_bracket semicolon;

simple_stmt = {local}local_decl | {field_assignment}field_access
k_equal expr semicolon | {method_caller} method_call semicolon |
{return_void} k_return semicolon | {return_expr} k_return expr
semicolon | {new_block}block | {while_loop}k_while condition block |
semicolon ;

field_access = {id_field} identifier | {id_id_field}
[caller]:identifier dot [callee]:identifier | {arr_ref_field}

array_ref = {id_array}identifier l_bracket expr r_bracket |
{id_field_array} [caller]:identifier dot [callee]:identifier l_bracket
expr r_bracket;

method_call = {call_no_argv}identifier l_par r_par | {call_argv}
identifier l_par args r_par | {call_field_no_argv} [outer]:identifier
dot [inner]:identifier l_par r_par| {call_field_argv}
[outer]:identifier dot [inner]:identifier l_par args r_par;

args = {args_expr}expr | {args_commar_expr} args comma expr;
expr = {expr_bar_bar}expr bar_bar e2 | {expr_double_ampersand}expr
ampersand_ampersand e2 | e2;
e2 = {less_than}[left]:e3 lt [right]:e3 |{greater_than} [left]:e3 gt
[right]:e3 | {less_than_equ}[left]:e3 lteq [right]:e3 |
{greater_than_equ}[left]:e3 gteq [right]:e3 | {equ_equ}[left]:e3 eqeq
[right]:e3| {not_equ}[left]:e3 neq [right]:e3 | {e3_single}e3;
e3 = {plus} e3 plus e4 | {minus} e3 minus e4 | e4;
e4 = {multiply}e4 star e5 |{divide} e4 div e5 | {mode}e4 mod e5 | e5;
e5 = {not_mark}excl_mark e5 |{plus_pre} plus e5 | {minus_pre} minus e5
| primary;
primary = {field_acc}field_access | {method_caller}method_call |
{int_lit}integerlit | {str_lit}stringlit | {true_word}k_true |
{false_word}k_false | {expr_par}l_par expr r_par;

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