Re: Infinite look ahead required by C++?

Martin Ward <>
Thu, 11 Feb 2010 12:20:42 +0000

          From comp.compilers

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From: Martin Ward <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2010 12:20:42 +0000
Organization: Compilers Central
References: 10-02-024 10-02-029
Keywords: C++
Posted-Date: 13 Feb 2010 11:32:53 EST

On Saturday 06 Feb 2010 18:37, you wrote:
> I really don't like the phrase "hard to parse", because it's relative
> to your parsing technology. GLR parsers are capable of parsing C++
> easily in spite of the ambiguous grammar.

"Hard to parse" has at least three different meanings:

(1) It's a lot of work to write a parser using the traditional parsing
technology (lex and yacc, or simple recursive descent). i.e. "This
nut is hard to crack using my old nutcrackes" In this sense, C++ is
definitiely "hard to parse".

(2) It's a lot of work to write a parser using *any* parsing
technology. This is the meaning which is relative to current parsing
technology. In this sense, C++ is not "hard to parse". (I can crack
this nut easily using my Acme Steam-Powered Sledgehammer :-))

(3) It's hard for *human beings* to parse this language. For example,
subtle ambiguities in the language mean that slight typos create a
progam which parses in a radically different way. Close and detailed
reading, combined with a detailed knoewledge of the intricacies of the
language syntax, are required for the human parser to parse the
language. In this sense, C++ is definitely "hard to parse"! Also, in
this sense, Scheme is "hard to parse" (at least, without some kind of
automated assistance for indenting and/or parentheses counting): even
though Scheme is trivally easy for a computer to parse.


STRL Senior Research Fellow and Royal Society Industry Fellow Erdos number: 4
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