Seed7 Release 2009-09-06

tm <>
Sun, 6 Sep 2009 14:27:42 -0700 (PDT)

          From comp.compilers

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Seed7 Release 2009-09-06 (tm) (2009-09-06)
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From: tm <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: Sun, 6 Sep 2009 14:27:42 -0700 (PDT)
Organization: Compilers Central
Keywords: available
Posted-Date: 06 Sep 2009 19:37:37 EDT


I have released a new version of Seed7: seed7_05_20090906.tgz

In the Seed7 programming language new statements and operators
can be declared easily. Types are first class objects and therefore
templates/generics need no special syntax. Object orientation is
used when it brings advantages and not in places when other
solutions are more obvious.

Seed7 is covered by the GPL (and LGPL for the Seed7 runtime library).

- Various syntax descriptions in the manual were improved.
- The functions get_uint16_le, get_uint32_le, get_uint16_be and
    get_uint32_be in the binary.s7i library were added or improved.
- The functions pointerXPos and pointerYPos were added to the
    graph.s7i library.
- The function buttonPressed was added to the keybd.s7i library.
- A default 'value' was added to the 'set of' types in the
    seed7_05.s7i library.
- The types filePermission and fileMode and the functions fileMode
    and setFileMode were added to the seed7_05.s7i library.
- The carddemo.sd7 example program was improved to demonstrate taking
    and moving a card with the mouse.
- Set membership tests were added to the chkset.sd7 program.
- The comanche.sd7 webserver was improved to use a "Content-Type" of
    "text/html" for all files with extension ".htm" or ".html".
- The comanche.sd7 webserver was changed to catch the exception
    FILE_ERROR (which is raised when a browser aborts a connection).
- The compiler (comp.sd7) was improved to do some optimisations for
    set membership tests.
- Some spelling corrections were done in the startrek.sd7 example
- The tarx.sd7 example program was improved to read and write file
- Several changes in the interpreter and the runtime library were
    done to reduce the number of warnings generated by the C compiler.
- The functions arrAppend, arrCat and arrExtend in "arr_rtl.c" were
    improved to contain checks for MEMORY_ERROR when the maximum index
    is not representable as integer.
- The function copy_any_file in "cmd_rtl.c" was improved to change
    the ownership of a file after the timestamps and the file mode have
    been changed.
- The functions cmdFileMode and cmdSetFileMode were added to
- The functions gkbButtonPressed, drwPointerXpos and drwPointerYpos
    were added to the files "drw_x11.c" and "drw_win.c".
- The interpreter (hi) and the compiler (comp.sd7) were improved to
    support the primitive actions CMD_FILEMODE, CMD_SET_FILEMODE,
- The function alternate_utime was improved to correct buggy
    behaviour of bcc32 (Bcc32 sets the modification time of a file on
    a FAT filesystem wrong).

Greetings Thomas Mertes

Seed7 Homepage:
Seed7 - The extensible programming language: User defined statements
and operators, abstract data types, templates without special
syntax, OO with interfaces and multiple dispatch, statically typed,
interpreted or compiled, portable, runs under linux/unix/windows.

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